carlo cubracz

carlo cubracz
palais des doges

vrijdag 11 december 2015


Dear Friend,

I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we have never met before, but need not to worry as I am contacting you independently of my investigation and no one is informed of this communication. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $7.5 million immediately to your private account. The money has been here in our Bank lying dormant for years now without anybody coming for the claim of it.

I want to release the money to you as the relative to our deceased customer (the account owner) who died along with her supposed NEXT OF KIN since 1st October 2003. The Banking laws here do not allow such money to stay more than 13 years, because the money will be recalled to the Bank treasury account as unclaimed fund.

By indicating your interest I will send you the full details on how the business will be executed.
You can reach me on my private email address (
Send your data.

Your Full Name.
Your Country.
Your Age.
Your Occupation.
Phone Number
Office Address

Please respond urgently and delete if you are not interested

Mr Ahmad Osman

woensdag 2 december 2015

ter verklaring van 'de liefde in distress...

Cecyl Fallcom shared a post with you on Google+. Google+ makes sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. Learn more.
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ter verklaring van 'de liefde in distress' - Boozy/at home /opdracht: maak er wat van en laat het zover niet komen/ de rebalitatie van de heer O. Wilde is in volle gang gezet helaas vertoont onze client nogal verzet! #sonyalpha   #Pulchri   #Arti_en_Amicitiae   #handyman  
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uit vriendelijkheid - lessen in schoonheid -!2780&authkey=!AMP9EQVepy7edN0&ithint=folder%2cjpg Een album der redelijkheid: afbeeldingen va...

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dinsdag 1 december 2015

[Flickr] cleia cecyl de buer */au salon Diderot (cecyl Clement de buer) shared their Flickr photos with you.



cleia cecyl de buer */au salon Diderot (cecyl Clement de buer) shared their Flickr photos with you.
tumblr_nxnfkl0N5f1th0u9ao1_540-champa-pinwheel-001 tumblr_nxnfkl0N5f1th0u9ao1_540-champa-pinwheel tulips
watermark_big villa-albani
Vier_Apostel_(Albrecht_Duerer)-1526 varkensvrijerduskind
the-bathers-1853-gustavecourbet The_Casino_at_Chiswick-bagnolo-008
= + = |*| misschien is dit wat veel gevraagd maar ik beken het hier: ik kom uiteraard niet aan alles toe waarvan ik voel dat het van mij zou kunnen worden verwacht en de enige conclusie die ik moet trekken moge zijn dat er kennelijk onder de mensen veel vragen leven die zij zelfstandig en alleen wat moeilijk kunnen oplossen. Het is namelijk zo gesteld met ons, dat in tegenstelling tot de voorheen meer sociale middelen der communicatie er in onze tijd dus wegen zijn gegeven waarmee de mens individueel aan het zoeken is geslagen en zoals het wel eens door mij werd gezegd in beeldende vergelijking: wanneer je natuurlijk aan een punt van het tafelkleed gaat trekken dan krijg je na enige krachtsuitoefening het hele servies over je heen.
Mijn vraag is over deze gestroomlijne electronische weg gegeven aan wie daar nu nog voor kan worden gezocht om zich in te gaan bewegen, 'het maakt niet uit', zo sprak mij mijne Vader nu alweer lang geleden toe, 'hoe oud je bent' - er soms van die mensen te vinden die geen genieen willen zijn gevonden maar van die mensen mensen die vooral bekend zijn met het werk van Leo Tolstoi dat getiteld is 'Vaders en zonen', die zich geroepen voelen involge de titel van het bekende dure maandelijkse orgaan voor patienten vann het Psychiatyrisch Centrum Sancta Maria te Noordwijk 'grasduinen' , het erop willen wagen na een niet door mij verwacht met veel aandrang ongevraagd loftuitingen tuimelarij sotteklapske niet te hebben gelaten - 'boertje laten, braaf' - wat met het vbeeldmateriaal te stoien gaan voor de eigen ogenblikkken van de overwegingen 'het is toch niets gedaan' werkt dat heel het lang verhaal wat in te korten: 'mijn ouwe heer vond dat ik nooit iets weg mag gooien van hetgeen Hij door mijn handen heeft verzameld' ...latere toegevoegde inzichtelijkheids voorstelling luidt: .de Heer van Omhoog voelt zich wat beperkt in zijn mogelijkheden weet U.../ opm.: "cosi fan tutte" is musica fantastica te heten, k't - onze bank zit weer eens in problemen van redactionele aard...het is hier overigens nog immer de gelagkamer van de Dorstige Kuyl, een grote herberg langszij de weg naar Leiden//wofuer vieler klatschen: das heisst danuber schisskebab er liebe//4-5-7//triebel
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[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


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The Flickreenos

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[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


Using a feature called People in Photos, Flickr member has suggested that you might be in a Flickr photo.

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The Flickreenos

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[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


Using a feature called People in Photos, Flickr member has suggested that you might be in a Flickr photo.

If you're not a member of Flickr, you won't be added to the photo unless you first create a Flickr account. It's free and easy with your Yahoo! ID. If you're already a Flickr member, you can log in to confirm that you appear in the photo.

Either way, follow this link to get started:


The Flickreenos

P.S. If you're not interested in this, you don't have to do anything. You won't be added to the photo.

[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


Using a feature called People in Photos, Flickr member has suggested that you might be in a Flickr photo.

If you're not a member of Flickr, you won't be added to the photo unless you first create a Flickr account. It's free and easy with your Yahoo! ID. If you're already a Flickr member, you can log in to confirm that you appear in the photo.

Either way, follow this link to get started:


The Flickreenos

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[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


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The Flickreenos

P.S. If you're not interested in this, you don't have to do anything. You won't be added to the photo.

[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


Using a feature called People in Photos, Flickr member has suggested that you might be in a Flickr photo.

If you're not a member of Flickr, you won't be added to the photo unless you first create a Flickr account. It's free and easy with your Yahoo! ID. If you're already a Flickr member, you can log in to confirm that you appear in the photo.

Either way, follow this link to get started:


The Flickreenos

P.S. If you're not interested in this, you don't have to do anything. You won't be added to the photo.

[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


Using a feature called People in Photos, Flickr member has suggested that you might be in a Flickr photo.

If you're not a member of Flickr, you won't be added to the photo unless you first create a Flickr account. It's free and easy with your Yahoo! ID. If you're already a Flickr member, you can log in to confirm that you appear in the photo.

Either way, follow this link to get started:


The Flickreenos

P.S. If you're not interested in this, you don't have to do anything. You won't be added to the photo.

[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


Using a feature called People in Photos, Flickr member has suggested that you might be in a Flickr photo.

If you're not a member of Flickr, you won't be added to the photo unless you first create a Flickr account. It's free and easy with your Yahoo! ID. If you're already a Flickr member, you can log in to confirm that you appear in the photo.

Either way, follow this link to get started:


The Flickreenos

P.S. If you're not interested in this, you don't have to do anything. You won't be added to the photo.

[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


Using a feature called People in Photos, Flickr member has suggested that you might be in a Flickr photo.

If you're not a member of Flickr, you won't be added to the photo unless you first create a Flickr account. It's free and easy with your Yahoo! ID. If you're already a Flickr member, you can log in to confirm that you appear in the photo.

Either way, follow this link to get started:


The Flickreenos

P.S. If you're not interested in this, you don't have to do anything. You won't be added to the photo.

[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


Using a feature called People in Photos, Flickr member has suggested that you might be in a Flickr photo.

If you're not a member of Flickr, you won't be added to the photo unless you first create a Flickr account. It's free and easy with your Yahoo! ID. If you're already a Flickr member, you can log in to confirm that you appear in the photo.

Either way, follow this link to get started:


The Flickreenos

P.S. If you're not interested in this, you don't have to do anything. You won't be added to the photo.

[Flickr] wants to add you to a photo


Using a feature called People in Photos, Flickr member has suggested that you might be in a Flickr photo.

If you're not a member of Flickr, you won't be added to the photo unless you first create a Flickr account. It's free and easy with your Yahoo! ID. If you're already a Flickr member, you can log in to confirm that you appear in the photo.

Either way, follow this link to get started:


The Flickreenos

P.S. If you're not interested in this, you don't have to do anything. You won't be added to the photo.